EU Blue card is a residence card issued to a highly qualified foreign professional to attract the highly qualified third-country nationals to jobs in occupations where there is a shortage of qualified personnel. It is implemented in 2009 by the European Union based on Council Directive 2009/50/EC. On 1st August 2012, the EU Blue Card system started in Germany. People with a recognized university degree or a degree comparable to a German degree have easier access to the German labor market. The legal basis of the EU Blue card can be read in http://www.bluecard-eu.de/eu-blue-card-germany/residence-act/
- A Recognized University degree from Germany or abroad. Validity can be checked in https://anabin.kmk.org/anabin.html
- A concrete job offers from a company in Germany.
- The job offer should be appropriate and must in the field of your academic qualification and working experience.
- The gross annual salary of the job must be at least EUR 55,200 (in 2020).
- Graduate in Mathematics, IT, Natural Science, and Technology (MINT) professions have exceptions in annual gross salary as they need at least EUR 43,056 (in 2020). However, in this case, they need consent from the German Federal Employment Agency.
- Simple and fast visa process from the home country
- EU blue card is valid for up to four years, depending on the duration of your work contact.
- Family members can immediately apply for the Visa together with the employee
- There is no basic German language is needed for spouses
- The spouse will get a full-time working permit and can start working as soon as entering Germany.
- After completing 18 months, the employee can freely move within the EU except for Denmark and Ireland
- If you have German language level B1, once completing 21 months of employment, you are eligible to apply for a Permanent Residency (PR)
- In case there are only basic German skills, a Permanent Residency can be applied after completing 33 months
Documents required for the visa application
Detailed documents for the EU Blue card application from India can be found at https://india.diplo.de/blob/2163240/47dee9c5da6809e3219f4f7bb66e405f/eu-bluecard-visaentry-data.pdf